User Instruction & Installation Manual
FX560 Remote Control
2 Kilowatt Xenon Searchlight
Product Reference Number:
A2471 – Variable Speed Motor Unit 240v
A2473 – Variable Speed Motor Unit 115v
Manufacturers details:
Distributor details:
Francis Searchlights Ltd
Union Road, Bolton
Lancashire, BL2 2HJ, UK
+44 (0) 1204 558960
+44 (0) 1204 558979
Manual Part Number: C20244
Issue : 10
1 - Introduction
It is imperative that this manual is read carefully and understood before
installing your equipment. For your future reference please keep this manual in
a safe place.
Thank you for specifying a product from the Francis Searchlights range. All Francis products are
designed to give complete customer satisfaction and are manufactured to the highest engineering
standards in order to ensure optimum performance and service life.
The Francis Xenon range combine features proven over many years service in the most hazardous
conditions in both marine and land installations.
In order to prolong the life and performance of your product, we recommend that you only specify
Francis Searchlights spare parts. This will also ensure that any warranties on your equipment will
not be invalidated. Information on spares ordering and parts is provided in this manual.
Should you ever need to contact Francis Searchlights Ltd. regarding your equipment, please quote
the Product Serial Number at all times.
2 - Safety Precautions
The following instructions must be adhered to, in order to ensure a safe working environment and
the safety of the user.
Note: When unpacking or manoeuvring the searchlight into its fixing position, suitable
lifting points must be used in order to prevent damage to the equipment or personal injury.
„ Because of the high internal pressure within the lamp, there is a risk of explosion in either a hot
or cold state;
„ During operation this lamp emits intense UV radiation which is harmful to the eyes and skin.
Suitable protection should be worn;
„ The high luminance of the arc can cause severe damage to the eye if viewed directly.
ALWAYS wear suitable protective goggles when viewing the lamp;
„ Always use protective jackets supplied with the lamp;
„ Should it be necessary to examine the lamp with the front bezel removed, always use a
protective shield and wear goggles to ensure a safe working environment;
„ Searchlights get hot. Never touch the unit when lit and always allow 15 to 20 minutes for
cooling down after turning the searchlight off;
„ Never place anything on or cover the searchlight when in use;
„ Ensure the lamp has cooled sufficiently before removal;
„ If undue force appears necessary to remove the lamp, the equipment should be inspected by a
competent person or contact the manufacturer;
„ When disposing of lamps there are several options available:
„ Return the lamp, via the supplier, to the lamp manufacturer in its complete
„ Because of the cold internal pressure of the lamp is approximately 8 bar, the
lamp must first be depressurized before disposal. Place the lamp, in its
protective jacket, in a plastic bag and drop from a height of 1 to 2 metres onto
a hard surface;
„ XBO lamps do not contain materials which are harmful to the environment and thus are not
subject to special waste disposal regulations;
„ Due to the vast range of lamps available it may appear possible that more powerful lamps can
be used in the equipment than for which it was designed. Even when the unit will physically
accept a higher wattage lamp, this substitution is not recommended and is dangerous. This
action will also void any warranties on the equipment.
„ Always refer to the lamp manufacturers technical data when dealing with lamps.
3 - Technical Information
This product has been designed to operate in accordance with the product specification. The
FX560RC 2000 watt searchlight has the following features:
„ All marine grade materials and fixings;
„ Electronic power supply unit;
„ Parabolic glass reflector;
„ Stove enamel painted;
„ 385° horizontal rotation;
„ Vertical movement 20° to -20°;
„ Motor speed 0-20°/sec fast, 0-10°/sec slow (Pan)
0-10°/sec fast, 0-5°/sec slow (Tilt);
„ Remote focus facility;
„ Internal self-regulating heater.
The searchlight also performs to the following optical data:
„ Xenon light source;
„ Lamp Wattage - 2000 Watts;
„ Supply voltage – 110/120v or 220/240V;
„ Peak Beam Candlepower – 108,084,800 lux;
„ Range – 10,396 metres;
„ Divergence - 1.5°;
„ Temperature range: -50°C;
In order that the searchlight operates correctly it is imperative that competent personnel are
responsible for the installation, operation and servicing of this equipment. Failure to adhere to this
advice may cause premature failure or incorrect operation of the searchlight, which may damage
the equipment or cause personal injury.
Technical information on the Xelamp Power Supply Unit and Irem Ignitor are included overleaf. For
more detailed information please contact the manufacturer.
PSU ref:
Ignitor ref:
Model 8502 (Xelamp)
AS16040A (Irem)
Power Supply fixings centres 440 x 152 using M8 screws.
Power Supply Details (Model 8502)
General Description
1400-2200 watts
22-30 volts D.C.
50-85 amperes D.C.
5% peak-to-peak
25/22 amperes maximum
208/237 VAC
40 amperes maximum
110/120 VAC
60 Hz (50Hz available)
9 steps
Output Adjustments
12” (30.5 cm)
15” (38 cm)
19” (48.25 cm)
145 lbs. (65.9 Kg)
When this appears in this text, it indicates a hazard to personnel.
When this appears in this text, it indicates a procedure which can result in equipment damage if not
properly accomplished.
Receiving the Power supply
The units are shipped with the power supply bolted to a shipping skid and enclosed in a heavy
cardboard cover held in place by banding. Physical damage to the container or its contents should
be reported to the carrier immediately.
Cut the banding strips and lift the cardboard cover off of the unit. Remove the four bolts holding the
power supply to the skid. Place the unit in the location selected for installation.
Locating the power supply
The power supply is convection cooled and the location selected should provide a minimum of 6”
clearance around the case. The area should have free movement of air to dissipate the heat
generated by operation of the power supply. Provide a space large enough to allow service of the
unit if required.
Do not allow anything to be placed upon the power supply case; the perforated top is for
ventilation and must not be obstructed.
Try to select a location as close to the lamphouse as practical. Many users install the power supply
adjacent to the searchlight where space is available and local codes permit.
Electrical installation and connection
Much future grief can be avoided by having a competent electrical contractor install and
connect this unit.
We make suggestions in this manual as to minimum wire sizes to be used. Refer to, and
conform to the codes applicable in your area.
Observe polarity of the conductors which carry the D.C. output of the power supply to the
lamphouse. Reversed polarity will immediately destroy the xenon bulb upon application of
When the electrical installation is complete there are two sources of primary power within
the unit. Turn off all power when adjusting or servicing the power supply.
This unit can run warm to very hot. Allow at least 15 minutes after turning off the power for
the unit and its components to cool down before attempting any service procedures.
Holes are provided in the end section of the power supply case for conduit entries. Install conduit in
a manner which allows some movement for service if required. Refer to drawings for connection
Model 8502
Primary line: (240v) #10 gauge minimum (110v) #8 gauge minimum; 30 ampere
breaker or fuse (240v) 40 ampere breaker or fuse (110v).
D.C. output: #4 gauge minimum.
The power supplies have two sources of power. Disconnect (turn off) primary power before
making adjustments or service procedures.
Output power adjustment
The power supply stores energy after primary power is switched off. Wait a minimum of two
minutes for the capacitor charge to bleed off.
Taps are provided on TB1 to alter the output of the power supply. Small current changes may be
made by moving the tap from H to M to L. Highest current is on H; the lowest is on L. Larger
current changes may be made by moving the tap from 4 to 5 to 6. Highest current is on 4; the
lowest is on 6. One input line must be on H, M or L. The second line must be on 4, 5 or 6. When
the primary line is high (120/240 VAC), tap 5 or 6 should be used. For 110/208 VAC use any tap, 4,
5 or 6. When changing taps, do not insert wire into the connector so far as to clamp on the
insulation rather than the bare wire. Be sure to tighten the connector screws.
Routine maintenance
The power supply has two sources of power. Turn off power before servicing the unit.
This unit can run warm to very hot. Allow at least 15 minutes after turning off the power for
the unit and its components to cool down before attempting any service procedures.
At 6 month intervals, clean dust out of the unit. Inspect all electrical connections. Look for
discoloration due to overheating. Be sure all components are clean and tight.
Much data can be obtained from the volt-ammeter built into the lamphouse control panel. In
addition, the following instruments will be needed to perform all trouble-shooting operations that
can be done in the field:
Portable volt-Ohm-ammeter (VOM) – must be capable of supplying current to forward bias a silicon
diode on R X 1 range. (Some digital instruments cannot; consult operator’s manual for instrument
Clamp-on A.C. ammeter capable of ¼ ampere or better resolution.
Xenon lamp power supplies have two stages of operation:
Before igniting the bulb – At this time, the voltage at the power supply output terminals
reaches “open circuit” value (110 VDC or greater).
After igniting the bulb – At this time, the voltage at the power supply output is determined
by the load placed on the power supply by the xenon lamp (18-30 VDC).
Power supply difficulties can be separated into one of three areas for purposes of diagnosis and
Power line problems.
Boost circuit (Open circuit voltage) problems.
Main power supply problems.
Primary power problems
Power to the power supply is supplied from the sub-panel. The PSU power contactor, K1, will
operate when the lamphouse is switched on in the absence of primary power to K1. If there is D.C.
voltage out of the power supply as indicted on the lamphouse voltmeter you have primary power. If
there is no lamphouse voltmeter, use your VOM. If there is no DC. output voltage and K1 operates,
check the primary line with a VOM to locate the point of failure.
Boost circuit problems (open circuit voltage)
Loss of the open circuit voltage due to boost circuit problems will result in the following:
Ignitor will not fire in the AUTO mode.
Bulb will not light.
Disable the lamphouse ignitor by removing primary power to the ignitor. Connect your VOM to the
power supply D.C. output. Observe polarity. Turn on the power supply. If you read 110 VDC or
more, the boost circuit is operating. If the D.C. voltage is low, on the order of 50 volts, it is likely
that diodes 5 and/or 6 have failed. Current limiting resistor R1 may be open.
Main power supply
Power supply bank D1-D4
A shorted diode will cause the primary current to go high and will trip the circuit breaker in the sub-
panel. An open diode will cause the projected picture to have a pronounced flicker and may result
in somewhat lower operating current.
Capacitors C1-C2-C3
A shorted capacitor or capacitors will raise the primary current and trip the circuit breaker in the
If these are open or have lost capacity (ability to store energy) they will cause either a noticeable
flicker in the projected picture or ignition problems or both. If in doubt, disconnect the capacitors
one at a time. After disconnecting a capacitor, if no change in ignition or flicker is observed, then
the capacitor is having no effect. Replace it.
Low capacity or an open capacitor affect ignition because there is insufficient surge current to
reliably light the bulb. If disconnecting a capacitor does change either flicker or ignition, then the
capacitor is functioning. Reconnect it. High ripple current caused by a diode failure will result in
overheating of R3. You may use a clamp-on A.C. ammeter on the common D.C. line to the
capacitor bank as an indirect method of checking ripple. The 8502 capacitor bank will have a
nominal 25 ampere (AC) current flow. Higher current indicates a high ripple condition. Lower
currents, may indicate open or deteriorated capacitors.
Current into the capacitor bank varies with adjustment of the power output. As the output power is
decreased, current flow of the capacitor bank will decrease.
Diode testing and replacement
To test a diode it must be disconnected from the circuit in which it is used. In many failure modes,
the diode failure can be tentatively identified by discoloration of the bright surface because of
excessive heat. You will still have to disconnect the diode and make further checks to verify failure.
After disconnecting the diode, sue your VOM on the R x 1 scale. With the meter leads connected in
one direction, the reading should be zero or close to it; reversing the meter leads, the indication
should be a very high resistance. If the diodes does not exhibit these characteristics, replace it. If
you have removed a diode from its heatsink or you are installing a new diode, observe the
following instructions: Clean the area of the heaksink in which the diode is to be installed.
You must use heatsink compound. It is caustic in nature. Do not use for fingers; keep it
away from your eyes; and do not ingest. Follow instructions on the container in which the
compound is packaged.
You may obtain heatsink compound at your local electronics dealer. Apply the compound with a
wood or plastic spatula; a popsicle stick will work well. A thin layer of compound is adequate. Use
internal star washers as opposed to split washers. When tightening the diodes in the model 8502
power supply, the torque should be 90 in.lbs., 125 in.lbs. In replacing diodes, observe polarity.
Model 8502 – diodes 1-3 are 1N3291R types, diodes 2-4 are 1N3291S types.
4 - Unpacking and Installation Instructions
The following instructions should be read and fully understood prior to installing the equipment to
ensure that the correct procedures are followed and all safety precautions are observed.
Note: If the equipment has been in storage for a considerable amount of time, it is advisable
to conduct a routine maintenance check on all parts before installation.
Safety Precautions
This equipment should not be connected to an electrical supply before being installed. Installation
procedures should be adhered to in order to ensure a safe working environment and reduce the
risk of damage or personal injury.
Preparing the Mounting Position
Mark out and drill the fixing holes through the deck and bolt the searchlight base securely On an
uneven surface it is necessary to use a suitable sealant, such as silicone in order to ensure a
weatherproofed joint. If anti-vibration mounts are to be fitted, the fixing holes for the mounts should
also be marked out and drilled. Prior to manoeuvring the searchlight into its’ fixing position, the AV
mounts should be fitted to the base. When in the desired position, bolt the searchlight firmly down.
5 - Electrical Installation
For safety purposes, only competent personnel should perform the electrical installation. All
equipment should be installed to current Electrical Regulations and Standards.
In order to obtain the maximum light output from the searchlight, it is essential that the full
operating voltage of the lamp fitted be applied to the lampholder contacts.
Method of Electrical Connection
1) Disconnect the supply before working on the electrical system;
2) The searchlight must be connected to a fused electrical supply, using suitably sized cable;
3) If the searchlight is located a considerable distance from the mains supply, provision must be
made in the cable size in order to overcome the voltage drop.
The PSU should NOT be positioned no more then 5 meters away from the Searchlight.
The following table below indicates the maximum length of cable to be used for the AC supply
cable, from the control panel to the searchlight:
115v 2Kw
240v 2Kw
Cable Size (mm²) Distance Max Distance Max
150 MTRS
250 MTRS
4) Whenever possible cable terminations should be made below deck and with approved terminal
5) If a spare auxiliary fuse or circuit breaker is not available, one of the correct type and rating
should be fitted and connected to a positive supply. It is advisable to locate a bus bar or main
connection and avoid any direct connection to the supply:
6) For 110/220v AC products, the following colour coding system should be used for the customer
supply cable:
- Live
- Negative
Green/Yellow - Earth
Note: This equipment must be earthed.
Installation Guidelines
A typical installation and connection routine for the searchlight with a Variable Speed Gearbox is as
Referring to wiring diagram C22801, a supply is fed to the Control Panel, which then provides a
common feed to the Motor Gearbox, Power Supply Unit and the Searchlight Control Panel.
The searchlight has been pre-wired with 3 meters of cable from the gearbox to junction box
Cables required to be connected by the customer: -
4 core 6mm cable from the Junction Box to the PSU, doubling up the pairs,
3 core 2.5mm cable from the Junction Box to the Control Panel.
4 core 1.5mm cable from the Junction Box to the Control Panel.
12 core 0.5mm cable from the Junction Box to the Control Panel.
Optional Slave Panel Wiring
8 core 0.5mm2 cable from the Slave Panel to the Junction Box.
The Mains cable to the Control Panel and 3 core 2.5mm cable from the PSU to the Control Panel
(terminals 6 & 7) both to be supplied by the customer.
The searchlight head is pre-wired along with the connecting cable to the motor gearbox.
Basic Operation
When the searchlight is switched on a supply is fed to the PSU and linked to the ignitor. Also from
the PSU, a dc output is fed to the lamp.
The ignitor ionises the gas within the lamp and this strikes the light.
All other facilities are fed via the control panels and motor gearbox.
Fitting instructions for the 2Kw xenon lamp
Referring to the diagram overleaf:
Unfasten the ten latches (A) on the front and rear of the searchlight;
Remove the front bezel (B) and rear bezel (C) assemblies;
Unscrew the two M6 hexagon screws (D) from the front lampholder mounting block (E) and
remove the front lampholder assembly from the mounting bracket;
Loosen the knurled screw on the front (F)and rear (G) lampholder assembles;
The lamp can now be inserted, make sure that the negative (cathode) end of the lamp is
towards the rear of the searchlight;
Tighten the knurled screw (G) on the rear lampholder assembly to hold the lamp in
Fasten the front lampholder mounting block back in position, it will be necessary to pull the
front socket against its spring to fit over the lamp. When in place tighten the front knurled
screw (F);
Fasten the front and rear lampholder leads as wiring diagram, ensuring the connections
are secure;
The front bezel and rear bezel can now be replaced.
Removal is the reverse of the above.
6 - Operating Instructions
This equipment is designed for use out of doors, in free air. Never place anything on, or cover, the
searchlight when in use as this may present a hazard.
All PSU should be housed below deck/in doors. Never leave the PSU exposed to weather
The searchlight can be remotely positioned via the joystick control panel, with the facility for
movement up, down, left and right. The speed of movement depends on the more pressure applied
to the joystick the faster the searchlight moves. When in the desired position the joystick should be
released so that it returns to its’ home position, dead centre.
The variable speed gearbox has a fast and slow setting. You activate this by switching the
controller switch on the control panel then selecting fast or slow.
The beam of the searchlight can be adjusted to give a variety of beam types. Using the yellow
remote focus button on the joystick panel, the desired beam can be achieved for any particular
application. The beam will move continuously through ‘spot’ to ‘flood’. In order to fix the beam type,
simply release the button at the desired position.
The heaters specified on this equipment are self-regulating and will shut off when they reach the
dew point temperature.
This product should not be used for any purpose other than for which it was designed. Any
modifications to the product should not be undertaken without consulting the manufacturer.
Setting to Work
Safe service in use necessitates the strict observance of the following precautions.
„ Any article fabricated from quartz or glass is inherently fragile and care should
therefore be taken, at all times, when handling lamps;
„ Eye protection must be worn when handling lamps that have been removed from their
packaging materials. The protective jacket should not be removed from the lamp for
safety reasons, as there is a remote possibility of the lamp shattering violently,
especially if it is subjected to mechanical shock or vibration;
„ Ensure that the power rating of the Xenon lamp to be fitted is suitable for the
lamphouse and power supply equipment (rectifier);
„ Always isolate the equipment from the supply before inserting a lamp;
„ Before inserting the lamp ensure that all contacts are clean. Contacts must be
renewed at the slightest sign of corrosion. Sanding or filing down corroded areas is not
recommended as this will only make the conducting surface between the pin and
lampholder smaller, thus causing the lamp to overheat;
„ The inert gas (Xenon) used in XBO lamps is under a pressure of several bar even
„ Do not twist or bend the fused quartz bulb when fitting the lamp as mechanical
stresses MUST be avoided;
„ Ensure that the spring contacts firmly surround the pins on the cap of the lamp. Do not
apply unnecessary force when tightening the screws;
„ After inserting the lamp, ensure that there is sufficient axial play in the lampholder. The
lamp must be capable of unimpeded expansion when it warms up to operating
temperature. Mechanical forces must not be applied to the fused quartz bulb;
„ Electrical leads must be arranged in such a way that there is a sufficient air gap
(approximately 40mm) between them and the lamphouse, in order to prevent
flashovers from the ignition voltage. All flexible leads must have strain-relieving
„ Before putting the lamp into service for the first time, check the polarity of the electrical
„ Before the protective jacket is removed, suitable protection must be worn i.e face mask
and gloves with wrist protection;
„ Never touch the quartz bulb with bare hands, as fingerprints will make the glass cloudy
and cause a severe loss of light. This may also cause recrystallisation and thus
weaken the bulb material. Should the bulb be inadvertently touched, remove
fingerprints with methylated spirit and a clean, soft paper towel. The bulb should then
be wiped with distilled water. NOTE: ALWAYS WEAR MASK AND GLOVES DURING
„ All packaging and the protective jacket must be retained for re-use. Whenever
removing a lamp, the protective jacket must always be used for safety reasons;
1) XBO lamps are designed for dc operation only. The dc current may only be varied within the
limits of the current control range. An XBO lamp operates best at rated current; over the life of
the lamp, the current may be increased to its maximum value to compensate for loss of light.
The output of the lamp can be reduced by operating the lamp at minimum current but this does
not prolong the life of the lamp;
2) For safety reasons, XBO lamps should be replaced once they reach the end of their average
lamp life, and not later than 1.25 times their average lamp life. After this time there is an
increased risk of the lamp exploding;
3) The anode (positive cap marked ‘+’) must be on top when the lamp is inserted in the vertical
position. If the anode is incorrectly inserted the arc will be unstable, the bulb will blacken more
quickly and the lamp will prematurely fail;
4) The HT lead from the high voltage terminal of the ignitor, must be connected to the cathode
(negative cap marked ‘-‘). If the lamp is connected with the wrong polarity it will be irreparably
damaged after a very short time.
5) In all circumstances the lamp manufacturers data should be referred to when dealing with
7- Fault Finding
All fault finding must be conducted by a competent person or qualified Electrical Engineer.
Please refer to the following table for the trouble-shooting of Xenon lamps.
„ Wrong Polarity
„ Lamp incorrectly fitted
„ Faulty wiring
„ Anode (large electrode)
must always be on top in
vertical burning position
„ Check polarity, transpose
connections if necessary
„ Check terminals, tighten or
„ Check cooling equipment
and replace if necessary
„ Correct current setting
„ Check magnetic
„ Cap overheated
„ Cap temperature above
„ Faulty contacts
„ Cooling equipment
„ Arc unsteady
„ Lamp operated outside
current control range
„ Magnetic stabilisation for
horizontal operation
„ Bulb draws in air
„ Crack in graded seal
caused by overheated cap
„ Maximum cap temperature
„ Check terminals - tighten
or renew
„ Glass erosion on fused
„ Lamp operated outside
current control range
„ Lamp service life
„ Correct current setting
„ Check meter
quartz bulb
„ Electrodes damaged
„ Premature blackening
„ Current ripple too high
„ Auxiliary mirror incorrectly
„ Have power supply
„ Adjust auxiliary mirror
„ Asymmetrical blackening
of lamp (in horizontal
burning position)
„ Lamp operated too long in „ Turn lamp through 180°
same position after half service life
Failure of Lamp to Ignite
In the event of the xenon lamp failing to light the following steps should be taken:
1) Check that the mains supply is connected to the input of the PSU. On operating the switch, if
the lamp does not light, switch off mains supply and check all fuses;
2) On pressing remote starting switch the lamp still does not ignite, check the searchlight head.
On your command get an operator to activate the starting switch for approximately 10 seconds.
During this time listen for any noise (cracking or hissing) coming from within the barrel. If this
arcing is heard switch off the supply at the mains. Remove the rear bezel to expose the two
supply leads to the xenon lamp. Using a dry cloth wipe these leads to remove any dust,
moisture or condensation that may have formed around the inside of the barrel. Replace the
rear bezel, ensuring the latches are securely fastened, and perform the check again, listening
for the cracking. If the lamp still fails to ignite, switch off at the mains and replace the xenon
lamp in accordance with the safety procedures within this manual and the manufacturers
Any further tests to be carried out with regards to lamp failure must be conducted by a
competent electrical engineer and should not be carried out in an explosive atmosphere.
3) Before a xenon lamp will ignite, the electrically insulated gas between the electrodes must be
ionised. This is done by the ignitor which produces a high frequency voltage (up to 30,000 volts
or higher). The ignitor is activated by switching the lamp on and a crackling or hissing noise
should be heard. The ignitor is housed within the rear of the searchlight barrel. This is a totally
encapsulated unit and repair is not advised. If found to be faulty a new ignitor must be fitted.
Failure of Remote Focus Facility
The remote focus mechanism is controlled by a small electric motor situated at the rear of the
searchlight barrel. If the focus of the light fails the following procedure should be adopted:
1) Remove the rear bezel from searchlight barrel and examine focus mechanism. If parts have
become loose, tighten fasteners. The mechanism operates on a lever action and this should be
checked for correct positioning;
2) If the mechanism is okay, check the supply to the motor. This can be done by simply placing a
multi-meter across the motor terminals;
3) If supply is present, this indicates that the motor has failed. Replace the focus motor ensuring
that the assembly is correct;
4) If no supply is present there is a fault in the junction box. This should be examined and rectified
Note: If a fault occurs on the motor gearbox, the unit should be returned to Francis
Searchlights Limited for fault evaluation and repair.
8 - Maintenance and Servicing
In order to prolong the service life and performance of your searchlight, the following maintenance
guidelines are recommended:
„ Maintenance checks should be conducted before very voyage or at least every three months;
„ Before checking, disconnect the equipment from the supply;
„ Visually inspect the condition of the equipment;
„ Any major or minor structural damage should be rectified immediately in order to reduce
sympathetic wear;
„ After inspection it may be necessary to clean the inside of the searchlight. The following
procedure should be adhered to:
„ Remove the front bezel;
„ Clean the front glass inside and out using a proprietary glass cleaner or metal
„ Clean the reflector if required;
„ Check the reflector mounting gaskets. If signs of corrosion or damage are
evident, replace as necessary;
„ Ensure that the lampholder is free from corrosion or other damage;
„ Check earthing point for conductivity;
„ It is advisable to check all seals and gaskets for signs of degradation. Renew if necessary;
„ Upon completing all maintenance requirements the searchlight should be tested for full working
order ( approximately 20 minutes).
If in any doubt as to the correct servicing procedures to adopt please contact your
distributor/agent or the manufacturer who will be able to advise the best course of action for
your product.
10 - Spare Parts List
The following spare parts can be ordered directly from the manufacturer:
Part Number
Power Supply Unit (240v)
Power Supply Unit (115v)
Ignitor (240v)
Ignitor (115v)
Fan (240v)
Fan (115v)
2Kw Xenon Lamp
Switch 20A - On/Off
Switch – Focus
Switch (Controller/speed)
Front Glass
Front/Rear Bezel Gasket
Motor - Remote Focus
Motor Gearbox Spares
Pan Motor S/Assy
Tilt Motor
Microswitch no lever
Microswitch with lever
Speed controller
Pedestal Top Sealing Gasket
Pedestal Cover Gasket
In order to prolong the life and performance of your product, we recommend that you only specify
Francis Searchlights spare parts. This will ensure that any warranties on your equipment will not be
When ordering spare parts please contact the Sales Department at Francis Searchlights Limited.
Please quote searchlight model and serial number at all times. This will enable a fast response to
your spares’ requirements.
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